Your warm mouse will keep you healthy
Released on: September 14, 2008, 12:38 pm
Press Release Author: Sandra Stone
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Warm mouse fits in your hand comfortably, minimizing unnecessary pressure on the wrist and forearm muscles. This insures that your wrist is in a neutral position during use. You can move freely while delivering therapeutic heat to relax tight hand and wrist muscles.
Press Release Body: It is critical that the hand using the mouse be able to preserve core temperature steady. This thermal balance must be maintained to preserve normal functioning as well as provide energy for activity. The body's mechanisms for generating heat ,metabolism, has to meet the challenge presented by low temperature, wind and wetness - the three major challenges of cold environments.
It is vital to recognize that as a result of heat loss, overall circulation is reduced. This makes the hand more susceptible to cold injuries. Uncomfortably cold working conditions can lead to lower work efficiency and higher accident rates. Cold impairs the performance of tasks. Manual tasks are also impaired because the sensitivity and dexterity of fingers are reduced in the cold. At low temperatures, the cold affects the deeper muscles resulting in reduced muscular strength and stiffened joints.
Mental alertness is reduced due to cold-related discomfort. For all these reasons accidents are more likely to occur in very cold working conditions.Arthritis can occur in men and women of all ages. About 37 million people in America have arthritis of some kind, which is almost 1 out of every 7 people.You need healthy circulation to feed the muscles fresh oxygen and nutrients vital for repair and to flush out toxic chemical byproducts which restrict the flexibility of the muscle which ultimately puts excessive stress on your tendons and joints. Your warm mouse will prevent the cold discomfort also arthritis and other bone diseases may occur.
Working in cold environments can cause stiff joints, poor circulation and hand pain. The warm mouse improve blood circulation in your fingers, thumbs and fingertips. This amazing process can help to reverse damage done from overworked joints. Infrared rays can actually help to produce better enzymes within the cells of the muscle. Heat therapy is becoming a popular way to ease the pain of tendonits and aid the tendons in recovery. There are a large number of heat techniques that can be implemented for curing back pain.
Heat can prove to be a very good medication for treating hand pain. A warm mouse will do the job for you as long as you are staying in front of your computer at home or at work. This is some of the simplest forms of heat therapy that are used by a large number of people to free themselves or to prevent hand pain. Heat therapy aids any tendon injury, getting it to heal with minimal scar tissue formation and with as much realignment of tendon fibres as possible. Your warm computer mouse will maintain your hand although hands are the most exposed to dangerous bone diseases.
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